Homen com capacete azul na obra

Let’s build the future together

Help us build dignified and safe housing for Migrant, Refugee and Portuguese Families.


Let’s build the future together

Let’s build the future of 5 Refugee, Migrant and Portuguese families with them.

Since January 2022, we have been building the first Reconstruir Community in the village of Tadim, in Braga.

We are building 6 houses so that the Families Ilick, Pumbulu, Shlash and Shlash can restart their life, in a place where the values of Sharing and Community prevail.

The families join the volunteers in the building of their own house.

Fotografia com capacetes amarelos de obras em cima de uma caixa.


National and international volunteers.


Volunteering hours.

Imagem ilustrativa da maqueta da casa.
The houses

An old carpentry shop transformed into a Home

In the village of Tadim, in Braga, a deactivated carpentry shop was the chosen space to build the houses of the Reconstruir Project. An area of 540m2 has been divided into 6 fractions.

The Families

4 Migrant Families and 1 Portuguese Family

4 Migrant and Refugee Families and 1 Portuguese Family will live in the first Community of the Reconstruir Project in Tadim, Braga.

Pessoas felizes na obra.
Equipa da Meeru voltados para a construção e de costas para a camera.
The Volunteers

Over 600 Volunteers

Since January 2022, the work site has been supported by over 330 local volunteers and 19 teams of international volunteers, coming from the USA, Canada, Germany and Austria.


Capacetes amarelos de obras

Scarce housing solutions

Housing solutions are becoming more and more scarce.

Pessoas nas obras a mostrar planos

Complex process for getting a housing loan

Access to a housing loan becomes more complex for migrant and refugee families or for those with a low income.

trabalhador capacete amarelo

Insuficient income

Many times, the family income is insufficient to buy or to rent a house through traditional methods.

Foto de familia em frente a monumento

Difficulties in renting a house for migrants and refugees

Landlords are less and less willing to rent to migrant and refugee families or to families with a low income.

The Families are part of the solution

Icone Casa Projeto Reconstruir

Families as volunteers

The Families participate in the building of their own house as volunteers.

Icone Casa Projeto Reconstruir

Houses at a reduced and adjusted price

The Families buy their own home at a reduced price, through an interest-free installment plan adjusted to their income.

Icone Casa Projeto Reconstruir

More envolved Families

The Families commit to getting involved in and with the Community.

Icone Casa Projeto Reconstruir

Voluntary labor

The costs are reduced by using donated land and materials, and voluntary labor for the building process.

For who?

Who are we helping?

Fotografia Equipa Meeru e voluntarios.

The Reconstruir Project

Icone Casa Projeto Reconstruir

Building homes at a reduced price

Building costs are reduced by using donated land and materials, as well as voluntary labor for the building process.

Icone Casa Projeto Reconstruir

Accountability of the Families

The families are involved from the beginnig. They collaborate as volunteers in the building of their home and buy it through an adjusted payment plan.

Icone Casa Projeto Reconstruir

Relations within the neighborhood

The family engages in the community through events that promote their feeling of neighbourhood and belonging.

Promoters and Partners

Logo Associação Domus

Associação Humanitária Domus

Founded in 1996, Associação Humanitária Domus is the result of a partnership with Fuller Center for Housing and develops its work under the mission of eradicating housing poverty. Over the years, Domus has worked on the building and rehabilitation of over 100 houses in Portugal.

MEERU | Abrir Caminho

MEERU is a Non-Governmental Organization founded in 2019 with the mission of promoting community cohesion through dialogue and proximity. MEERU fights social isolation of refugee and migrant families living in Portuguese communities through several initiatives, among which is a structured volunteering program that brings together migrant families and local volunteers.